Ryan, Jessi, & Kiersten

Ryan, Jessi, & Kiersten

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2013 Starting out the New Year

Well, I can say this, we had a pretty good 2012. Some good and some sad.  Good things: Ryan's cousin got married, Kiersten turned 1, a lot of our friends kiddos also turned 1....lol.. , my mom came for a nice long visit (thanks mom!!), some good ol SNOW!, and many other blessings God has thrown our way.  Some sad things, my grandmother and Ryan's grandmother both passed.  We miss them both dearly, but we all know they are in such a better place spending time with God.   Out of the passing of our dear grandmothers, we were able to spend time with many family members we do not get to see on a daily basis or even yearly basis.  Lives get so crazy and complicated when everyone has kids and don't live in the same state.  Wow!

We are hoping for a prosperous 2013.  Ryan is hoping to get his Videography business rolling while I pull out of the Photography Business some. I won't stop it all together, but due to working full time, raising a baby girl, making sure I have time for mysef (much needed!!!), and keeping up with laundry, dishes, sweeping, and quality time with Rybear,  time for my photography has unfortunately taken a hit.  And I just can't take on the stress of it.  So, I will do what comes my way, but I won't be advertising it anymore.  And if it gets to the point I can't afford to run it (b/c it still costs me a TON of money to run...I'll have to shut it all down). :(  booo!!!   Maybe when Kiersten gets into school all day long, I'll be able to get back into it.  I just don't have the energy.  Sad though, I love it and enjoy meeting new people so much. :(     Don't not suggest people to me though!!!  Still send them my way, if I am available, I will more than likely take the job. :)

Ryan is super excited about getting his video work on the move.  He has worked hard to learn as much as he can about video editing.  He has purchased awesome equipment to get it going, just in need of a camera.  That is a struggle for us though b/c its amazingly more expensive for those cameras than it is for mine.  And both are still pricey.  So, we battle on that decision a lot.  However, we are both excited and praying for God's guidance in our future.

Kiersten has grown SOO much in the past year.  She has hit 34" mark. Really tall for her age.  Maybe she'll slow down some as she gets older, or she'll just keep going and be tall like her daddy. haha  She is such a blessing to us both. We love her dearly and enjoy every minute of parenthood. Ryan has taken such a interest in spending time with Kiersten.  They play, dance, and itsy bitsy spider all the time.  He does tend to do the more "rough" playing as I still to the more safe and calm playing. hehe :)  dads!!!

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