Ryan, Jessi, & Kiersten

Ryan, Jessi, & Kiersten

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kiersten is GROWING!!

Mommy, do you see me?
Well today marks Kiersten's 11 week mark.  She is getting so big!  90th percentile....doesn't mean much, I don't believe those things, however, you never know. :)  Maybe she'll be a basketball player? lol It's so much fun watching her grow and do new things.  Just recently she started playing with her toys.  It sooo amazing! I get so excited for her.  She doesn't seem to realize she has conquered a new milestone, but Mommy knows!  She's just so sweet and precious!  We love her so much.  She truly is an Angel from God!  Thank you Father for our precious little bundle of JOY!  :O)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Smiles

Today I gave mommy many smiles of different shapes and sizes!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

1 Month Old! Happy 1 Month Kiersten!

Our baby girl is growing like a weed.  Its amazing how fast she is growing and changing each day. I notice little changes in her each day.  She's fantastic!!!  We are truly truly blessed! God gave us a wonderful gift. :)  We love her so much, she's a pleasure!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Kiersten is Here!!

July 12th, 2011 at 1:03pm, Kiersten made her oh so awaited appearance.  We are so excited she is here! She has been a dream come true.  Beautiful baby girl.  Precious as can be. We are blessed to have her. God has given us a true angel.  We love her so much and couldn't have asked for anything more. 

The photo to the right is a photo from her first photo shoot. :)  Yes, thats right, the photographer  mommy in me has started already, but can you blame me?

I'm sure she'll get used to it over time.  ha! She's too precious to not photograph!  How can you not take a photo of that face?  The hat helps too huh?

She was 7" 15oz and 20 inches.  Good size baby, not too big, not too small, but just right.  She caused mommy a lot of stress though. Labor lasted about 37 hours.  Started 11pm Sunday night on July 10th.  I had every intentions of doing it naturally, with no meds, however, by 11pm Monday night I couldn't take it any longer.  We headed to the hospital.  I was scheduled for a 5am induction for Tuesday anyways, but wanted to go ahead in to get some meds.  It would have been different if I had actually made some progress...but nope, nada, only 2 cm dialated in a 24 hr period.  yikes!!!  So,  they gave me something to help me relax and maybe get dialated some.  They said I was too tense to let the contractions do their job.  Everything I thought I was doing with my breathing and positions only made it worse!!!  Had no idea!  But now we know for next time. 

Finally, around 6am after dealing with a night of painful contractions (but atleast I could sleep in between them due to the love drugs)....I was ready for my induction and oh so wonderful epidural!   Once those were administered, Kiersten was quickly on her way.  By 1:03pm, she popped out with only 30 minutes of pushing! I was ready to get her out!   Epidural wore off quite a bit, so I still to some extent was able to feel the contractions to know when to push and could definitely feel her coming out....OUCH!   If I had the option of doing it over again or differently, I wouldn't change a thing.   Ryan was FANTASTIC!!!  Amazing he was.  I couldn't have done it with out him.  Ryan was a true blessing and got me through the worst!  He even stepped up when she was born and took care of her right away.  What an awesome dad! Go Rybear!

Well, now we have the rest of our lives to experience with Kiersten.  Love you hun!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just a Few Days Away!

Well, today marks July 5th, only two days away from our due date.  Will she be on time or late?  Part of me thinks...late? lol fun fun!!  For those of you who thought early....me being one of them...not so much.  If Kiersten is born between now and Thursday, sounds like right on time to me.  We are so excited to meet her, its so hard to wait!!!  We're trying all we can to get her out. lol  Wish us luck and please pray for a healthy and happy baby!!! yay!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

6 Weeks to Go!

Well, Thursday, May 26th marked the 34 week marker and leaving us only 6 weeks till we get to meet our sweet little girl.  Gosh, has time flown by that fast already???  I knew it would though. I kept telling Ryan...we better plan now, it will go by fast.  And all he ever said was.."we have plenty of time".  LOL who's laughing now? ha!  We have most of what we need, still some items here and there, but that will come in time.   The nursery is complete for the most part. Furniture painted, floor in, crib up, and bedding washed.  Clothing put away...( not washed though, don't know what to wash?)  I hate to remove tags on clothing she won't wear...oh well.  I just might have to.  Decor is not quite done yet though.  I just don't have the energy lately nor do I know really want to do!  :)   I guess it was last on my list.  Necessities first.  I wonder if she'll come early, right on time, or worse yet...Late!!  Already uncomfortable at the end of the 8th month.  Boy ol Boy...I'd like to get my normal breathing back.  lol  However, with everything going on, we are so super excited to meet her and start a new story book with a bigger family.  God, Ryan, Me, and Kiersten.  Yay!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Continued Preparation!

Well, now that Ryan is back safe and sound from Haiti, we are continuing on the preparations of little Kiersten's arrival.  (Yes, that is the final spelling...sorry).  We are getting more and more excited, but with excited comes nervousness.  I have us all set to attend some Birthing classes (Natural) and also how to take care of her.  I am looking forward to that one a little more so.  I have read so many books and internet sights I feel like I am ready but hands on is best for me. I'm a visual/hands on person which makes it difficult to learn things just by reading them.  Hope she doesn't get that from me. :(   I've been scoping photography websites with props. I found a hat or two I really like for photos. I can't wait! :)  Will I have energy to take her photo after giving birth...well..I sure hope so!!!! :) 

I have decided to go about this Naturally. Yes, thats right. Natural.  God made our bodies to handle this so I know I can do it. I'm quite aware that problems can come up and I may need medications/epidural but unless that happens, I'm going to try with GOD's help and Ryan's help to get through it just fine. Its healthier for the baby and me. Recover is super fast and I can go about the day as usual with little problems.  There will still be soarness from labor ofcourse, but I will be able to walk etc.  :)  So, I have taken 2 classes so far and have 3 more to go. I'm super excited and feel very good about the whole thing.  Much prayer will be need though and much support.  If you don't agree with my decision, then please keep it to yourself. We were told to only surround ourselves with those who will be positive about my choices!!!  SO, debbie downers, keep your distance! lol :) 

We have much to do still to prepare.  Our baby room is not ready at all.  We still need to paint and put in flooring. but we still have time.  I can't wait to see it all complete.  I think her room not being ready is making me super anxious! :)   Well, more news to come as time gets closer!!!  OH and I passed my Glucose tests! yay!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ryan is off to Haiti

Ryan is off to Haiti this week.  Will be lonely with him not here. Just me, Ross, and Codie. We'll hold down the fort.  I got to spend some time with my family though this weekend.  Was awesome.  Got to see my 3month old niece, Emily, and my nephew Zach.  poor little things didn't feel too well, but were in pretty good spirits considering!  I took many-o-photo too...ofcourse!  Well, Ryan is doing God's work right now. Kiersten will be so proud of her daddy. I'm sure she'll go with us to Haiti when she is older.  We love going.  He's working on a video too which is exciting. We upgraded our computers and programs to be able to do this video, so I pray it all works out for him.  Will post some photos of the kiddos from this past weekend in a little while. Stay tuned! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We are getting SUPER excited about meeting little Kiersten.  Doctor said all was well at the last visit I had on Friday.  I don't go back till end of April. I pray all stays well which I'm sure it will.  All is in GOD's hands.  He's watching over her daily.  Ryan talks to my tummy more and more to say hello to her. Its so sweet. He's going to be a great dad!  :o)  I finally cleared out her nursery. Nothing really in there now but laundry..oh the laundry! lol  I hope to have it painted by my first shower which will be held HERE...ahh!   So, now I have to put her crib and furnture in there till Ryan can redo the flooring.  Lets pray she doesn't come early.  Doubtful, but you never know.   That floor must be in before she comes! what a nightmare that would be!!!!!!  haha  I'll keep you updated as things get closer.   She's as active as can be.  Seems to be most active right at night and in the morning. She's moving as I type this.  Silly Kiddo!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Registry Finally Done...No Sweat!

So, finally was able to do the registry.  And this time, had fun.  I was able to ask questions. lol Thanks to a good friend!   I just never knew there was so much to know. But like everyone tells me, my mother instincts will come to me!!! Yeah! :)   lol I am praying they will.  I'm actually quite excited.  I know Ryan is too... I even bought my first little outfit for Kiersten!  (we haven't finalized spelling so ignore anyting I put, until its on the birth certif, ignore me! lol :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bottles, Nipples, and Shampoos Oh My!

Er, no one mentioned the insane amount of STUFF to choose from when it comes to babies. Anxiety took over me I guess while trying to decide on what I needed so I had to go home after making a small attempt.  Eek! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Spelling of Baby Girl Houtz's Name

So, I had it planned b/c Ryan wanted it simple, but, after realizing that no one will ever say her name right, which will bother me, I'm going to have to change it. Its convincing Ryan to be okay with it.  Oy!  My choices are Kiersten or Kierstyn.  I prefer Kierstyn.  I need ideas here.   Help!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's A Girl!!!

Here is a profile photo of our little Kiersten, what a cutie!!! She's already beautiful!!!

Back for Ultrasound...

Yup, thats right, today is the big day, we get to sort of meet baby Houtz again.  Not in person yet, but a little snapshot.  I'm excited. I pray that Baby Houtz is healthy.  I know that is my biggest fear and I'm sure its normal to feel that way. I know its in GOD's hands and HE knows what is best.   I hope I have given Baby Houtz a good home so far.  He/She sure has been active though.  Which is good I would assume.  But I'm affraid we are going to have an active little tyke on our hands. haha! 

Today we get to also find out the sex of the baby.  Is it a little Ashton Jonathan? or Kirsten Taylor????  We'll see.  I plan on video taping the event some as long as the battery holds out.  Ryan wants a boy so bad he can just scream, so hopefully if its a girl, there is no dissapointment on the video. If so, we'll have to throw it away. Don't want her to see it when she's older. lol :)  I'm sure he'll be smitten though.  He just acts all tough. ;)  Well, gotta go.  Back later for Baby Houtz Updates!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Preparing for little Baby Houtz

Well, this past weekend, Ryan and I spent many hours nailing, smashing, hauling, and laying hard wood flooring down in our bedroom. I know you are probably wondering how this is preparing for baby...well...it is!  Our carpet was so horrible because it was very old, worn out, dirty, and the dog had chewed it up to the point where the carpet tacks were sticking up in our bedroom doorway.  NOT a good idea  to leave that there for our little one to run down the hall and step on.  So, we finally did it.  With the help of Angie and Linda (THANK YOU!!!) we were able to get it done in one weekend. We still have a few minor things to add before we can say its completely done, but its good enough for me! No more sweating for Ryan!  You did a great job babe!!! LOOKS LOVELY! ;o)